Data Protection Declaration

Nostolava-auto Jalo & Jalo Oy


Nostolava-auto Jalo & Jalo Oy
Hitsarinkatu 4, 20360 Turku, Finland
y-tunnus 1523771-3

Contact person

CEO Sami Jalo
Hitsarinkatu 4, 20360 Turku, Finland
+358 50 527 7113

Name of the register

Register of clients and potential clients of Nostolava-auto Jalo & Jalo Oy

Intended purpose of the collected personal data

Managing and developing client relationships, potential client relationships and other contacts; communication and marketing

Information the register contains

The register may include the following information:

  • Name and contact information of the company (visiting address, billing address, phone number, web address) and information related to billing
  • Name and contact information of the contact person (address, phone number and email address), as well as title or position within the organization


The website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are placed and retained on the visitor’s computer or mobile device. The main purpose of cookies is to improve and adjust the user experience, as well as to analyse and improve the functionalities and content of the website. Data collected with cookies helps to better target our communication and marketing efforts. The collected data can also be linked to other information obtained from the visitor, for example when the visitor fills in a form on our website.

User tracking

The website uses Leadoo’s tracking service to follow what users are doing on the site and combine this behavioral data with other data gathered from e.g., chat interactions. Leadoo uses eTag tracking to hook together the same user’s behavior over several sessions – in practice this works similarly to cookie-based tracking. The Leadoo tracking can be stopped by emptying the browser’s cache after the visit.

Leadoo Marketing Technologies Ltd Privacy Policy
Read more on how Leadoo works

Register’s sources of information

Data is collected from the companies or individuals listed in the register, and from web sites and other public sources of information.

Transfer of data

Information is not given out to third parties or transferred outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). Personal data is only given out to external service providers for the purposes of billing, or for sending digital customer letters or other material. In these cases, data protection issues are agreed upon separately.

Transferring data outside the EU or the EEA

Information is not transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

Principles of protecting the register

Personal data is kept confidential. The register cannot be accessed via public information network. The network and hardware where the register is located and used are duly protected by firewall, passwords, and other means.

Rights of the data subject

Data subject has the right to request access to their personal data, corrections for inaccurate or incomplete information, and deletion of their information. Written and signed requests are asked to be delivered to the address mentioned at the beginning of this declaration.